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          This feature will automatically notify you and your client about changes of the price for found listings.
          Custom IDX is a pre-defined search.

          For instance your can create a CUSTOM IDX link and assign this link to a new button labeled: “Homes for Sale in Beautiful Palm Beach”

          Visitors to your website can now click see a list of active listings in Palm Beach.

          This feature is most useful for agents specializing in certain areas or certain markets.
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                Address / !!label!!:
                        Our StoryOur Team & ServicesAbout NegarAbout FeriClient TestimonialsMap based Find a Home
                        Red Oak Realty

                        7502 Fairmount
                        El cerrito , CA 94530

                        Realtor Photo
                        Feri Niroomand & Negar Souza
                        Red Oak Realty

                        7502 Fairmount, El cerrito , CA 94530

                        Direct: (510) 543-7016
                        Cell: (510) 543-7016
                        Fax: (510) 295-2708

                        DRE#: CABRE# 00811861/CABRE# 01701667

                        Contact us